Wiki iliyopita Sikika ilikutana na vyombo vya habari kujadili uhaba wa dawa unaoikabili Bohari Kuu ya Dawa (MSD). Vyombo vya habari kwa nyakati tofauti vilitoa taarifa sahihi kuhusu tatizo hili. Pakua Hapa
The government through MoHCDGEC has talked about and to a certain extent developed and implemented various initiatives and strategies with the aim of improving stock availability of essential medicines in the country. Download Here
Tunatoa tamko hili sio kwa sababu hatujaona na kuthamini juhudu ambazo serikali ya awamu ya tano inafanya kudhibiti matumizi yasiyo ya lazima bali tunakusudia kutoa tahadhari kwa watendaji wanaohusika na kutengeneza bajeti ya mwaka 2016/17. Download Here
Honourable Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Hon. Members of Parliament, Chief Medical Officer, Troika Chair, WHO country representative, Development Partners; staff of the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Seniors and Children; PO-RALG, PO-PSM, representatives of the private sector, ladies and gentleman, good morning. Download Here
Uwepo na upatikanaji wa dawa muhimu na vifaa tiba katika vituo vya huduma za afya vya umma ni moja ya viashiria vya huduma bora za afya katika nchi yoyote ile. Nchini Tanzania, kumekuwa na uhaba wa mara kwa mara wa dawa muhimu na vifaa tiba katika vituo vya huduma za afya vya umma ambao umekuwa ukizorotesha utoaji wa huduma za afya na hatimaye kuzorotesha afya za wananchi walio wengi. Download Here
Availability and accessibility of essential medicines and medical supplies in public health facilities are key indicators of the provision of quality health services in every country. Download Here
We, Sikika, Jamii Media, and Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition- THRDC have, with great disappointment, received information from the National Assembly Speaker that the President has assented into law two draconian pieces of legislation, The Cybercrimes Act 2015 and The Statistics Act 2013. Download Here
Serikali kwa mara nyingine imeshindwa kuwapatia wabunge vitabu vya makadirio ya bajeti siku 21 kabla ya kikao cha Bunge la bajeti kuanza. Hii ni kwa mujibu wa Ibara ya 96 ya Kanuni za Kudumu za Bunge (toleo la 2007). Download Here
Availability and accessibility of essential medicines and medical supplies in public health facilities are key indicators of the provision of quality health services in every country. In Tanzania, there are frequent stock outs of essential medicines and medical supplies at public health facilities, which contribute to poor provision of health services and consequently affect the health of the majority in the country.Download Here
MTANDAO wa Watetezi wa Haki za Binadamu kwa kushirikiana na baadhi ya Wanachama wake, Kituao cha Sheria na Haki za Binadamu (LHRC), SIKIKA, Mtandao wa Jinsia-TGNP, Jamii Forums, Mtandao wa Watoa Huduma za Msaada wa Kisheria (TANLAP) tumeshtushwa na kusikitishwa na kitendo cha Bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano kupitisha Muswada wa Sheria ya Takwimu ya Mwaka 2015 na Pamoja na Sheria ya Makosa ya Mtandaoni bila kurekebisha au kuviondoa vifungu vinavyokwenda kinyume na Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ya mwaka 1977. Soma zaidi
SHERIA hii ya makosa ya mtandao, 2015 imebainika kuwa na mapungufu makubwa sana. Mapungufu hayo yamebainika kuwa, kama sheria ikipita yanaweza kuifanya nchi ikawa ni kati nchi adui za matumizi ya mtandao wa Teknolojia ya Habari na Mawasiliano duniani. Download Here
SIKIKA is dismayed with the current shortage of the safe blood in the country. Safe blood is one of the essential medicines as it satisfies priority health care needs of the population as categorized by World Health Organization. It is one of its kinds, as once needed, it neither has a natural substitute nor can it be factory-made. Therefore the availability of safe blood in the hospitals is of critical importance. Downaload Here