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Our Organization

Who we are?

Sikika is a non-governmental organization, its history dates back from 1999. The organization has transformed from working on matters related to youth in reproductive health to broader fundamental health outcomes in areas of Health Governance and Finance, Human Resources for Health, Medicines and Medical Supplies and HIV and AIDS.

The new five-year strategic plan (2019 – 2023) is duly informed by the strategic plan 2016 - 2020. It has two programmes, which are the public finance management and the traditional health governance program.

What we seek to achieve?

Sikika envisages seeing a transparent and accountable government that ensures citizen’s right to quality health services is fulfilled. Sikika aims to achieve this by promoting sound public finance management and strengthening of health systems through evidenced based advocacy.


Our History

The Organization has transformed from youth in reproductive health (YAV) to broader fundamental health outcomes namely Health Governance and Financing, Human Resources for Health, Medicines and Medical Supplies and HIV & AIDS. However, we recognized that shortcomings such as poor planning, allocation and mismanagement in the broader area of Public Financial Management (PFM) are a constraint to the achievement of our core goal of catalyzing improvements in health service provision.

Our interventions are based in all zones in Tanzania mainland, both rural and urban areas: Kondoa & Mpwapwa (Dodoma), Simanjiro (Manyara), Singida rural and Kinondoni & Temeke districts (Dar es Salaam). The 2016/20 strategic plan has extended to new districts namely Babati (Manyara), Serengeti & Musoma Urban (Mara),Mbeya Urban & Chunya (Mbeya) and Ikungi (Singida). Others are Siha & Moshi (Kilimanjaro), Iringa Urban & Kilolo (Iringa), Lindi, Urban & Kilwa (Lindi), Kigoma Urban & Kasulu (Kigoma).

How do we work?

Sikika works at both central and local government levels. Our partners include; the policy makers such the Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC), President Office –Regional Administration and Local Government (PO–RALG) and the Ministry of Finance and Planning. The services providers, such as the Local Government Authorities (LGAs), the Medical Stores Department and Tanzania Revenue Authority. The oversight bodies such as the councilors, National Audit Office and the Tanzania parliamentarian and their respective committees specifically the social services and public account. Others are media and civil societies and citizens as community representatives.


Quality health services for all.


To enhance health and public finance systems through Social Accountability Monitoring and advocacy at all government levels.

health governance programme Goals

" Health Care Systems Strengthened "

public finance programme Goals

" Sound Public Financial Management & Discipline "

Sikika in Numbers 2023

Monitoring of HTM Services

Councils Reached
Health Facilities Reached
Service users reached

Community-Led Monitoring for HIV in Ukerewe

Women empowerment and handled a start-up kit for business

Y4H Project Community Scorecard Number of PCCB officers trained

Councils Reached
Wards Reached
People reached (80% were adolescents and 20% community members)

Monitoring Y4H Project

Councils Reached
Health Facilities Reached
(Male 27% and Female 73%) services users reached

Strengthen CSOs for Improved Health Outcomes

Local CSOs trained
LGAs were reached
Wards were reached

COVID-19 Testing and linkage to treatment project

Regional were involved (Mwanza & Dar es Salaam)
LGAs were involved (3 from each region)
Health Facilities were involved (5 in each LGA)


Number of people reached through Social Media
Offices of Operation
Development Partners

Financial Report

Strategic Plan
2019 - 2023

Narrative Report

Current Partners

Support our work

Our Mission is to enhance health and public finance systems through Social Accountability Monitoring and advocacy at all government levels.