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Health Care Providers’ views on HIV and AIDS Service in Tanzania - 2013

The HIV & AIDS sector is of undeniable importance to service users especially the PLHIV. HIV & AIDS services can be found in district hospitals, health centers and most dispensaries across Tanzania...


Citizens’ views of HIV & AIDS Services in Tanzania - 2013

Optimum health care services include participation of service users in service improvement process. Doctors, nurses and other health workers  have...


Leta Mabadiliko Boresha Huduma za afya - Mwongozo wa Mwananchi - 2013

Ili kuishi maisha marefu na ya furaha, kila mtu anahitaji kupata huduma bora za afya. Kwa bahati mbaya, Tanzania ni nchi masikini na mfumo wake wa huduma za afya unakabiliwa na uhaba wa fedha ambao husababisha vikwazo kama vile; mazingira magumu ya kufanyia kazi na utendaji usio na tija.


Availability of Effective Complaints Mechanism in Public Health Facilities - 2013

The availability of an effective complaints mechanism in the health system is an essential factor in the provision of quality health services.This mechanism offers an opportunity for service users to provide feedback on the quality of the service they receive and other information that is useful in enhancing service provision.


Unnecessary Expenditure Vol. 3 - 2013

There is broad concern that the public sector is spending monies on activities that are not necessary for the achievement of Tanzania’s development vision. In 2008, the Government committed itself to reduce unnecessary expenditures and to redirect the savings to strategic areas that promote the well-being of Tanzanian citizens.


Multi-Sectoral Aids committees in Tanzania - 2013

In 2011, Sikika conducted a monitoring study in six districts of its operation area namely; Kinondoni, Temeke and Ilala (Dar Es Salaam Region); Kibaha district (Coastal Region); Mpwapwa and Kondoa (Dodoma Region). The purpose of the monitoring...


Global Fund Grants: Reporting Gaps in Tanzania - 2013

Sikika chose to investigate the information found in this report due to its interest in helping to ensure that Global Fund resources are utilized with minimal waste in order to reduce the impact of HIV, malaria and tuberculosis in order to bring about overall improvement in the healthcare services that are available for Tanzanians.


Availability of Essential Medicines, Medical Supplies and Bed Capacity in Hospitals in Tanzania Mainland - 2013

Availability of essential medicines and medical supplies (including laboratory supplies) in Tanzania’s public health facilities has been chronically unsatisfactory for sometime. The responsible authorities have on previous occasions claimed to have identified the source of the problem.


Upatikanaji na Ufanisi wa Mifumo ya Utoaji Malalamiko Katika Vituo vya Huduma za Afya vya Umma - 2013

Utafiti huu ulifanyika kuangalia uwepo na ufanisi wa mifumo ya kutolea malalamiko katika vituo vya huduma za afya vya umma nchini Tanzania... Wahojiwa katika utafiti huu walikuwa ni watumia huduma katika vituo vya huduma vilivyochaguliwa katika wilaya sita ambazo ni; Temeke, Ilala na Kinondoni katika mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Kibaha vijijini katika mkoa wa Pwani pamoja na Mpwapwa na Kondoa katika mkoa wa Dodoma... Hizi ni wilaya ambazo Sikika inafanya kazi...


Tanzanian Health Sector Budget analysis 2005/06 – 2011/12

TANZANIA  and other African countries ratified the Abuja Declaration (2001), which requires the signatories to allocate 15 percent of the total government budget towards the health sector...


Maadili ya utumishi wa Umma kwa watumishi wa Afya - 2012

Kuwapo kwa tabia zisizozingatia maadili miongoni mwa watumishi wa afya kunazuia upatikanaji wa huduma bora za afya kwa wananchi kwani husababisha mvurugano wa uhusiano na maelewano kati ya wafanyakazi wa afya na watumia huduma za afya. Kukosekana kwa uhusiano mzuri kati ya pande hizi mbili (watoa huduma na watumia huduma), ni mojawapo ya sababu inayopelekea watumia huduma kutoridhika na huduma.
