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Petty Corruption in public health services in Tanzania - 2014

The current study was carried out, primarily, in response research gaps emanating from a previous study commissioned by Sikika (then YAV). The original study focused on corruption in Tanzanian health services but failed to address the following issues adequately: the role of scarcity of resources; functionality of redress mechanisms; institutional factors that support corrupt behaviour; supply side constraints that promote corruption; impact of corruption on health-seeking behaviour; and the role of health facility governing committees in fighting corruption. 


Shortage of Antiretrovirals: What went wrong? - 2014

By 2013, according to MoHSW, the number of adults needing Antiretroviral therapy (ART) was estimated to be at least around 1.4 million and those on ART around 567, 8921. The number of children currently infected with HIV in Tanzania is 130,000 and those on treatment number around 39, 3172. 


Sababu za Kiutawala zinazochochea rushwa ndogondogo katika huduma za afya - 2014

Utafiti huu ulifanywa, kimsingi, katika kushughulikia mapengo ya utafiti yaliyoonekana katika utafiti uliopita uliokuwa umeagizwa na Sikika (wakati huo YAV). Utafiti huo uliopita, ulilenga rushwa katika huduma za afya nchini Tanzania lakini ulishindwa kuangalia kikamilifu masuala yafuatayo: nafasi ya upungufu wa rasilimali; ufanisi wa taratibu za kurekebisha; sababu za kiutawala ambazo zinachangia kuendelea kwa vitendo vya rushwa; vikwazo vya upande wa usambazaji ambavyo vinazidisha vitendo vya rushwa; athari za rushwa katika utafutaji wa huduma za afya; na nafasi ya kamati za usimamizi wa vituo vya afya katika kupambana na rushwa. 


Where are the Doctors? Tracking Medical Doctors in Tanzania - 2013

Tanzania, one of the developing countries, is overwhelmed by shortages of skilled health workers; indeed, it is one of the 57 countries known as ‘HRH-crisis countries’...
