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Medicines and medical and supply availability report - 2011

Health service delivery at the district and facility levels has been greatly affected by the persistently poor availability of essential medicines and medical supplies, an example here is the lack of absorbent gauze for a period of a about three to six month prior to and during a survey conducted by Sikika between May 10 to May 20, 2011. 


The Ineffectiveness of the Tanzanian Accountability Framework - 2011

The Development Vision 2025 was formulated by the Tanzanian gov- ernment to give the nation a direction and philosophy for sustainable development of the people. Good governance and the rule of law were identi- fied as the key driving forces that are essential to improve the quality of life. This requires developing a culture in which citizens are able to hold their leaders and public servants accountable. 


Post election political advertising - 2010

The coming in of the mass media marked a turning point for humanity as it defeated constrains of distance and time in the field of communication. The ability of the media to reach many people at the same time, spreading the same message, made them a powerful tool that was quickly manipulated by politicians to consolidate power. 



This briefing paper examines whether financial auditing by the CAG has improved the financial management of public institutions by using the audit reports for the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) from the years 1999 to 2010 as a case example. We use these reports to assess how the ministry has been responding to the recommendations that have been made by the Controller and Auditor General. We also present a summary of the questioned expenditures for each year under review.


Human Resources for Health in Tanzania - 2010

The availability of qualified human resources plays a vital role in the provision of quality health services. The prevailing human resources for health (HRH) crisis results from the growing demand for health services along with an inadequate supply from our training institutions as well as inadequate management of the available human resources. 


Petty Corruption in the health service - 2010

THIS is a report of a study which was commissioned by Sikika, a civil society organization which operates in areas of social development. Corruption is a concern in all sectors, but it is an especially critical problem in the health sector.


Unnecessary expenditure brief vol 2 - 2010

The provision of primary services is a great challenge in Tanzania since financial resources are scarce. Nevertheless, most people agree that the government’s budget allocation and execution is inefficient.
